To say that things were chaotic last night at the Meet the Teacher night would be an understatement. It was crowded, there was little to no a/c and there was a LOT of information that needed to be told to the parents. Kids were getting restless five minutes into the information session in the cafeteria. When we were finally released to go to the room and meet the teacher everyone wanted to speak to the teacher at once and the room was very packed. Did I say that they had little to no a/c? I am a furnace as it is but when packed in like sardines I get downright cranky. I am not a fan of sweating unless I am working out and only then because it seems to happen too easily. We brought our school supplies with us last night so we wouldn’t have to bring them on the first day of school. Thankfully, Eric championed the effort to sort them and put them in their appropriate places for the class. I got to fill out paperwork with the promise of filling out more paperwork before we return on Monday. I stood in line for what seemed like forever with sweat beading up on my face just to ask one question.
Mrs. Roos seems very nice but with a strictness about her that I think Andrew will do well under. I am really praying that Andrew will learn how to make friends and be a good friend in return. There are lots of opportunities in his class and I don’t think any of his playgroup friends or preschool friends ended up in his class.
I am looking forward to next week but sadly enough I don’t really know if I will be one of those moms that cry sending her baby to school. I love him lots but I think we both need this break from each other to learn to appreciate each other more.
Last night I also stayed up late because I had many things on my mind. One of which being the organizing of baby clothes. We have been so blessed to receive many hand-me-downs and now I am trying to figure out how to organize them to where nothing will go to waste and not be used, including socks. I think next week I will start washing all the clothes and putting them in their final place until Zachary is here and gets to wear them. I have plans to 1. Organize, wash and put away the clothes; 2. Do some sewing on the curtains to add some length; 3. Repaint a shelf to more so match the theme of the room; 4. Try to get all the extra Wexford and Prescott glass sold and out of the house; 5. Work on scrapping some Thank-you cards for all the people who have blessed us with things for Zachary; and the list goes on… Little by little we will be ready for this little guy to make his presence known in early November.
I need to get ready for the day now so ttfn!