Saturday, July 11, 2009

I really should journal more!

I have so many thoughts during the day and I wish I could remember them on a permanent basis. But I can’t! Over the past three weeks my emotions have gone in so many directions. We still do not know anything yet in regards to the placenta previa but God has really brought me peace about it because it does not take up all my thoughts anymore. I know that God is in control and I don’t have anything to worry about that He can’t take care of.

Now my thoughts are overrun with creatively disciplining our five year old son. He really is such a sweet boy and we are trying so hard to show him our love for him and how he should love others in return but it feels like, at times, that we get a void return. Yesterday we had had enough and finally took all of his toys away. He does not get any tv or computer time either. He basically has his books, a notebook, one crayon and one pen. Last night we ended up playing I Spy for about an hour and a half and actually laughed really hard in the process. We are trying to get to the bottom of why he has been so disrespectful and disobedient to us. I know that I need to commit to more prayer on my part and learn not to raise my voice to him. I do not care for yelling and it seems like lately that’s all I have been doing. Well that and repeating myself too many times. We are so blessed to have him in our family and I hope that he will understand soon or in the near future how much we love him.

Another thing that has been circulating in my head has been praying to feel little Zachary move more. Wouldn’t you know that God answered that prayer pretty quickly. Zachary is a little mover and shaker. I have even seen him moving and that is just so cool. I think feeling him and seeing him move around more is something that has helped me realize that everything is okay.

I went ahead and put Windows Live Writer on my home desktop and hope now that I will be able to journal a little about our days more often.


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