At least until my photo cd gets here from our photo pass.
LO's 1 & 2. Template by Andrea Gold
Kit - Dreamin by Nicole of Digi-Designs
Font: Complete In Him
LO's 3 & 4. Templates by Andrea Gold
Kit: A Space Story by Lisa Minor
Font: Smiley Monster
LO's 5 & 6. Template for 5 by Andrea Gold and no template for 6
Kit Ella in Blue by Lisa Minor
Font: Complete In Him
LO's 7 & 8. Templates and Kit - A Space Story by Lisa Minor
Font: Tracy
LO's 9 & 10. Templates by Lisa Minor
Papers by Seebees Freebies
Mickey Sticker Head by Andrea (Clubhouse Mini)
Font: My Own Topher and Andy
LO's 11 & 12. Template for 11 by Lisa Minor and Template for 12 by Mandagirl
Kit by Andrea (Clubhouse Mini) (Colored buttons by me)
Font: Complete In Him
13. Template by mandagirl
Say Cheese Frame and Souven-Ears WA from Seebee’s Freebies
Papers and elements from Lisa Minor’s The Big Cheese Kit
Font: Brianne’s Hand
If I have left anyone out of the credits so far I am sorry and I thank you for your wonderful designs.
Today Andy and I are playing school. Right now I have him doing worksheets. He is on his third and saying he is done. He really has done a great job of listening to me while we play school. I got him ready to take to preschool this morning and when we got there we were told that we would probably be getting a call in one hour to come and pick him up for early school closing. There is the possibility of ice on the roads and since we Texans do not know how to drive on ice than they prefer people to stay off of them. So, we are trying to stay warm inside our home but I really need to get some groceries. That will be an errand here soon before getting dinner started.
That's all I have for now so have a great day and God bless each and every one of you!