Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Seeing Less of Me

Is a great thing!!! I weighed myself today and found I have lost about 10 pounds since September when we got our gym memberships. I am so excited about that. Eric and I said that if we could just maintain during the holidays and vacation than we would be doing great. Well, I am actually losing right now and I hope to keep up that trend. I need to lose about 35 pounds from here to be on a more healthy playing field. I have spent most of my life being "chunky" but for goodness sakes...I'm tired of it. I want to lose this extra weight for my son, my husband, myself and mainly God. If our bodies are God's temple than I have really trashed this one and it is high time I start the clean up with His help. If you read this blog and follow along please say a prayer that I will continue to be encouraged to lose weight. I will try to periodically update you with my progress. I might even start doing some before and after pictures to help with accountability.

Until next time, have a terrific day and God bless you and yours!


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